What To Do With Your Emotions

"We're scared to feel so we wind up not feeling at all..."


This morning didn’t go as I wanted it to. I set an intention for the day and the day wasn’t unraveling the way I had envisioned it to so rather than meeting myself with love and compassion, I became very frustrated and I met this frustration with more frustration.

Meeting frustration with frustration only creates more frustration. I knew something felt off and I wanted to understand what it was; however, we don’t always have to know. The mind wants to know; the body wants to feel.

I was aware that anger was the driver behind the frustration and I went into silence… I began breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth with sound. Growling, sighing, crying.

When energy gets stuck in our body, it wants to move. We get so caught up and focused on the why rather than allowing the energy to move.

Anger is FIRE and that fire is power. Anger can also turn into aggression and project outwards, which is why it’s important to move the energy rather than allow it to build up.

So let’s do an exercise, no matter which emotion you are feeling whether it’s sadness, fear, guilt, shame, anger… let it be here.

If the emotion had a voice, what would it say? And how would it sound?

Allow yourself THE SPACE to feel these energies. Do not be scared of them. The sooner you allow yourself to FEEL them and feel them FULLY, you set yourself free.

Let’s do an exercise.

Take A Moment In Silence and be here. Notice what’s here without attaching yourself to the emotion. 

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. While you’re doing that, exhale WITH sound. Let whatever noises want to come out — COME OUT.

The energy wants to move and only you can do that. 

Do this in your room, in the car or in a place where you feel comfortable to freely let out sound. This moves the energy, let it all out!

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to do this. Let the emotion have a voice — if the emotion had a sound, what would it sound like? Do this for a few minutes and check-in with your heart. If tears fall, let them fall. If a laugh appears, let it. Immerse yourself, fully, in this human experience. In each experience, we are being invited to become better feelers. 🙂

I would love to know how you feel after. Celebrating you and the courage you have to take a chance at yourself.

Keep going. Love you.

Meet Brittany Mondido

Spiritual Teacher, Author, Lover & Believer

Brittany is the Founder of An ARM’s Reach™, a conscious education and media company.  She is the Author of A Moment In Silence, and has been featured and recognized by TEDx, Chosen as Editor’s Choice on Elephant Journal, Thrive Global and much more.

To learn more about Brittany and her work, please visit us below. Thank you for being here.