Conscious Education: The New Paradigm of Learning & Teaching

Alchemizing what we learn, how we learn and why.


“Alchemizing what we learn, how we learn, and why; where learning goes beyond the classroom.”


The philosopher Aristotle once said, “Give me a child until the age of 7, and I will show you the man.”

We see the men and women of today: divorce rates through the roof; people working in jobs they don’t enjoy; going through life with very little to no direction; war all over the world through violence and misinformation, and; mental health is at arguably its worst in history with suicide rates at their highest since 1941.


It’s simple. Think of what Aristotle said. During those first 7 years of our lives, our psyche, physiology, and energetic fields are most malleable. Our upbringing from our guardians, the environments we’re in, and the educators in front of our classrooms all have a significant impact on who we become.

Education gets to be reimagined here.


I’ve always embraced the philosophical notion that “learning is remembering.” It’s quite the paradox, as it’s the “old way”—yet this is what conscious and heart-led leaders are realizing is the way forward.

Our proven format, EEII: Education, embodiment, intention, and integration—rekindles this ancient wisdom, and the world is beginning to awaken, once again, that what was done in the past wasn’t so cooky after all.

Disciplines and traditions such as Taoism, Buddhism, Stoicism, and indigenous cultures have endured for a reason.

They are ways of life. Some of us have stayed the course and applied the principles shared in these practices, and that’s beautiful. Some of us discover these disciplines later in life, and we get to unlearn everything we’ve been taught. And that’s beautiful too.

We honor them and incorporate their wisdom into our format.

As our founder says, “Learning goes beyond the classroom.”

It’s beyond subjects. We offer heart-opening experiences and weave EEII throughout each of them. These include workshops, events, memberships, mentorship, and authored books; each reconnects you with yourself and nature, because we believe that LIFE is learned in the mud, streets, mountains, ocean, forest, and in community. OUTSIDE. And the way outside is going inside.

At ARM, we redefine LIFE as Living Intentionally For Evolution, which is why intention is rooted in our conscious education format. It involves learning to be intentional, aware of the energy within us and around us, and conscious of what we “absorb” and carry with us through life.


Education isn’t only about subjects—it serves a larger and broader purpose.

We stand to bring our format to children and adults alike—providing each soul with practical life tools and resources for healing past traumas, problem-solving, relating to others, and understanding our energetic fields and physiology.

Being in the coaching and personal development space and working with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi, I’ve seen first-hand the ‘learning’ loop, which most of us have experienced. This looks like going to seminar after seminar, taking course after course, or reading book after book—only focusing on the first part of EEII: Education.

That is a big component—to learn—however, there is a space between conscious learning and over-consumption.

Education is front and center, and that’s beautiful. Yet, at ARM, we’ve noticed the missing pieces being: embodiment, intention, and integration.

That is why those missing links are integral to our process. It is the Circuit to conscious learning and conscious education.


Conscious Education is about paying attention, not only to facts and numbers but also to how experiences make us feel in our bodies and think through our mind—together.

It’s a journey of tapping into our hearts, understanding energy, why we attract what we do, and discovering the masculine and feminine poles within each of us and how to balance them.

It’s reimagining what, why, and how we learn, as well as teach.

It’s a deep learning of ourselves.

As conscious students, we get curious about what we are learning and why. We recycle what is no longer serving us. We think for ourselves while learning how to feel and align with our hearts.

As Bruce Lee so wisely stated, “Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what’s your own.”

Conscious education.

A conscious educator integrates heart and mind without separation, inviting students to connect with the innate wisdom of their bodies. Each individual is encouraged to be expressed, never suppressed—making an individual a true individual.

Students are encouraged to dream and follow those dreams. They feel heard, seen, understood, valued, respected, and celebrated by their leaders and peers.

In this classroom we refer to as the world, we include the three missing links that make the circuit: Embodiment, Intention, and Integration.


Embodiment grounds the learning experience, anchoring knowledge within the physical body. By strengthening awareness of how we feel, our energy, our posture, and the value of movement, students deepen their connection to the world and internalize their learning on a somatic level.

Intention brings purpose and curiosity into the educational journey, inviting students into getting clear on their values and goals. With intention, students understand where they’re going and why.

Integration bridges the gap between theory and practice, allowing students to apply their knowledge and skills in their everyday lives.


EEII is interwoven into everything we teach. In a mind-heavy world, we often forget to drop into our bodies and feel. Now, with provided tools and resources to invite humanity into their bodies and hearts, we get to step powerfully into a new world—a new paradigm. A world where we change the narrative and break free of recurring patterns. A world of curiosity and vision.

It’s a more intentional and mindful way of life, where we bridge ancient wisdom with modern lifestyle and set our descendants up for success just as our ancestors did for us. It’s a paradigm where children and adults learn to heal, thrive, and unite, transcending academics.

The good news is that the journey towards conscious education begins with each of us, and it’s only An ARM’s Reach Away. So let us come together, arm in arm, and embark on this journey, remembering that learning transcends the classroom.

Meet Our Chief Impact Officer, Jeremy Trinchere

Educator, Artist, Believer, & Podcast Host

Jeremy is Chief Impact Officer and a Founding Leader of An ARM’s Reach Global™, a conscious education company part of The ARM Collective.  He is dedicated to providing humanity and its future generations with tools, resources, and experiences to become more connected, heart-conscious, and empowered.

To learn more about Jeremy and our work, please visit us below. Thank you for being here.