Our Programs & Services

Only An ARM's Reach away...



We are here to make a difference, together.

Your desires. Your dreams. Your freedom. Your heart. It makes a difference.

When you invest in yourself through our work, you are creating a powerful impact around the world and in the lives of those in need.

As part of An ARM’s Reach Impact Model, we have partnered with impact-driven organizations where a percentage of our revenue helps provide fundamental human needs such as clean water, global reforestation, plastic clean up, access to education and much more.

With any service or product offered by us, you indirectly become a changemaker and light in the world by helping us give back to our non-profit business partners.

To learn more about our impact plan, please visit our impact page. Thank you for being here as a part of our hearts mission and helping change the lives of many.

giving back


The #1 Healing and Human Evolution platform offering practices that include meditation, breathwork, life coaching, embodiment work, Energetics, somatic healing, thought leadership, entrepreneurship and much more. Our membership includes 2-monthly 90-minute connection calls led by our Leadership Team with a designated / themed around one of our FIVE pillars, in addition to new practices being added regularly by ARM Certified leaders, guest experts and global teachers throughout the month. Requests will be available in video or through the form. Each workshop will recorded and added to the portal.



Re-defining what it means to be a business owner

Maybe you’re somewhat like our clients and I where our definition of “hard work” meant the unhealthy hustle and a “disconnect” to your heart.

Hustle Meets Heart™ is an all-in-one experience – guiding you to finally step into your light, own your greatness, and define what it means to be a Leader of Light in the world.

This is deep work as it’s where hustle meets heart; there is no ‘skipping’ levels to success; however, you can set yourself up for success and freedom, and finally get to a place where you and your business are thriving – as you start to embody and show up as the Leader of Light that you are.

Say goodbye to the days filled with the fear of failure, fear of success, visibility, and being in your own way. No longer playing it small, here. The world needs your gift.

YOU are not here to play it small; and this experience is where you’ll learn the truth about why you’re not making the impact and income you want {and deserve} to make.

Hustle Meets Heart™ is where your impact goals meet your income desires. And maybe you’re like me and income wasn’t a top priority? Guess what? You can have both and it should be you, lightworker.

In this 8-week experience, you will learn to build a business of impact – around a life you love {not the other way around}, all while learning to tap into your heart and share your light to heal the world.



    "Brittany is a heart master and she is restlessly sharing amazing tools that help us ascend and establish ourselves in the heart vibration.”

    Pilar Turrido, Akashic Records

    “Brittany is the definition of a pure light in this world. From her mind, to her words to her action she radiates kindness & heart-driven care. Her journey and mission goes deep into changing lives, the environment, & the future of our society to build a world of light workers.”

    Veronika Popyk, Founder of Social Sundays

    “Brittany is the definition of a divine intervention in my life - an angel that connected me with my heart, and showed me how to live from a place of love and approach the healing journey with grace… in turn, making my life magical than it’s ever been. I owe so much of my success internally and externally to Brittany’s energy and her heart-centered consciousness, that sparks miracles in every soul’s life she touches, either through her words or her mere presence. She is the ultimate light-worker.”

    Raahul Raja, Life Coach


    Billion lbs of Plastic Clean Up
    Million Trees Planted
    Million People With Clean Water
    of Stories & Lives Changed


    Brittany exclusively works with a handful of individuals and couples each year offering customized experiences based on your own desires, current experience and needs.


    This experience is deeply intimate and tender.

    Whether support is needed in your personal or professional life, they both “pour” into each other, and this experience is a metamorphosis type of experience.

    These five pillars are the foundation of my work and will be weaved throughout our experience together.

    BY INCORPORATING OUR FIVE PILLARS, we then spark a process of inner alchemy on a cellular level and, a thriving life filled with depth becomes inevitable. You cannot “miss” this even if you tried.

    It doesn’t matter what you want to create and build- whether it’s a million dollar company or an entirely different life. 



    The ARMS Method™ Masterclass

    A 4-week masterclass


      Meet Brittany

      A lover, an artist, a believer in humanity, “a Woman On A Mission”. Brittany is recognized for her teachings on suffering and love – and everything in-between.

      From suffering in silence to loving out loud; Brittany’s journey has been one of alchemy.

      At the age of 29, Brittany had a profound experience – one where she was met with A Moment In Silence that completely changed the trajectory of her life. This led her onto an unexpected healing journey: one of honesty, filled with addictions and suffering to returning back to love.

      She is now the Author of A Moment In Silence: The Space Between That Changes Your Life, Founder of Award-Winning Company, An ARM’s Reach Global™, and the Visionary and CEO of The ARM Collective™; currently building her third venture. Brittany has been featured and spoken on stages, globally, from the TEDx to named “Editor’s Choice” on Elephant Journal to the renowned Omega Institute, to receiving the 2024 IMPACT Award as “Most Valuable Mission” Leading Our Future Forward currently available at all International airports and Barnes & Nobles, and much more.

      Using different healing modalities to support you, offering deep reflection, unconditional nurturing love and sacred holding, she stands by you as a Mother, a Father, A Brother, A Sister, A Lover, A Guide. Holding a sacred space for you to explore your deepest rooted truth.

      Brittany was in Healthcare for over 10+ years; she has been trained by leading Trauma Experts around the world including the Masters of the Shaolin Temple, from somatic trauma healing methods to psychotherapy to Eastern Medicine. she comes from a lineage of healers from the Philippines, and is devoted to the healing of humanity.


      A dedicated teacher and student of A Course In Miracles.™

      About The ARM Collective™

      The ARM Collective™ is a channeled family-legacy. Our mission at The ARM Collective™ is to support the evolution of humanity through heart consciousness; to make healing and connection accessible to everyone; to leave our world better than we entered it with each collection offering its own unique expression, and; to lead our future forward differently.

      The ARM Collective™ is a collection of conscious companies — offering you a collective experience through conscious education, conscious ecosystem, conscious leadership. Our four sacred pillars throughout each collection is: Spiritual Ancient Wisdom, Somatic (Trauma) Healing, Embodiment, and Energetics; each woven through our integrated experiences offering an opportunity to reconnect with the truth of your being and to create conscious connection with the world within you, around you and working through you.

      Every experience we offer is to remind you of who you are… and each collection has a specific way of offering you that… Founded by Brittany Mondido and co-pioneered by An ARM’s Reach Leadership. The ARM Collective™ was birthed and is devoted to the Founders father who had raised her with his initials being A.R.M. Each collection birthed is a dedication to him.

      Wow, Where To Even Begin…Brittany Is One Of The Most Caring And Genuine People I’ve Had The Honor Of Getting To Know. She Knows Exactly How To Make You Feel Supported In Anything That You Do, Whether That’s In Business And/Or In Life. She Has Your Back Through And Through. Brittany Is An Absolute Badass And An Inspiration. I Love You So Much And I’m Grateful Beyond Words That I Chose To Go Through Your Coaching Program. It Changed My Life. You’ve Changed My Life. ❤️
      Rachel G.
      Founder of Ray of Consciousness


      Your desires. Your dreams. Your freedom. Your heart. It makes a difference.

      When you invest in yourself through our work, you are creating a powerful impact around the world and in the lives of those in need. As part of An ARM’s Reach mission, we are built with an Impact Model to give back to those in need where a percentage of our revenue helps provide fundamental human needs

      With any service or product offered by us, you indirectly become a changemaker and light in the world by helping us give back to our non-profit business partners.