What To Do With An Active Abandonment Wound




    December 2, 2023

    In every relationship, our wounds get activated and we become deeply triggered..

    These wounds affect every single part of our life and can direct our life if we’re not conscious of them.

    Oftentimes, we have no idea what to do with them and it can be easy to blame the other person involved..

    I did this for years.. and it continued to bring me back to the same place with a different face…

    I got tired of living this way— and committed to a different path… that offered me another way.

    This path has led me into a beautiful, conscious relationship with myself and, now, to a beautiful, sacred union with my partner.

    This past month, the wound that has been deeply activated in my relationship is the abandonment wound..

    “He forgot about me.”

    “He is going to leave.”

    “It’s not safe.”

    All the sweet stories from my younger self; the parts that have felt abandoned throughout her (my) life…

    The emotions are valid.. and they live in our body…

    And they can steer our lives if we’re not aware of the wounded place(s) that we may be operating from.

    This wound has appeared and leaked through every single one of my relationships since I was little… platonic or intimate.

    I’d push— I’d pull.. to now being a deep, loving witness to my experience…

    from “my emotions are too big” and “my parents are emotionally unavailable”

    to.. “my parents did they best they could with what they had and knew at the time” – I get to hold myself now.

    from “everyone who enters my life leaves or dies” “it’s not safe to let people in”

    to… “it gets to be different now.. and I choose to let love in…”

    Throughout my adulthood, I would leave before I was left…

    And this relationship is the first time I want to stay…

    …I don’t want to leave and that scares me. It’s new for me – staying because I want to – as scary as it may seem…

    When you let love in, you become more “vulnerable” and susceptible to pain or potential suffering so instead, we choose to keep love out which creates suffering anyway– so which would you prefer? It’s a question I’ve asked myself and have gotten very clear on throughout the past few years.. it is a commitment — a choice — to let love in.

    I choose to love my shadows… and to love his…

    The parts that we tend to hide and tuck away…

    These parts.. it is our inner child that wants to feel safe… and the only person who can offer you that is…


    I am deeply grateful I have the man I do in my life that I get to do this work with, all while always having a place for my heart to come home to… that can never be “taken away”… a place I got to create for myself… that pours into my work, the people in my life, all of my relationships… and creations…

    So my invitation for you is.. to hold your inner child and create a safe space for this sweet one…

    To explore the shadows..

    To witness the stories…

    To sit with those fears.. hold a space for your inner child.. and love ‘em so deeply..

    Listen to what they have to say and hold them like they have never been held before.. nurture them like they have never been nurtured before..

    Choose to SEE them clearly.. no right or wrong.

    To HEAR them clearly.. and understand.

    This is an invitation to no longer self-abandon.. self-neglect..

    To communicate your needs..

    To hold your inner child..

    To nurture and love her.. so deeply.

    So, as I close my week and begin this beautiful December… (Happy December BTW😊) I remember my commitment and choice…

    I get to do better for myself.

    I get to do better in my relationship.

    I get to do better for my future children.

    I get to do better for the legacy we leave.

    And this choice is an individual choice… and this choice is always available.

    I also want to highlight that… these wounds are not for your partner, family, friends, etc. to heal.. this is sacred… this is for you to alchemize and hold with you, deeply… to carry with you as you grow deeper roots — and as you journey your journey.

    All you can do is, ask the other person involved to be conscious of the activated wound.. and to be patient with you.. during this “time and space” of deep healing and alchemy…

    Happy Healing, Sweet Angel!

    Drop into this beautiful meditation to hold your sweet inner child today.

      Love you, angels.

      Trusting this lands.. and REMEMBER… nothing is wrong with you.

      The activation shows us where our work is.. what a beautiful awareness.

      This is the miracle.

      Sending love and blessings to you this December and forward..

      Meet Brittany Mondido

      Spiritual Teacher, Author, Lover & Believer

      Brittany is the Founder of THE ARM COLLECTIVE™, an award-winning conscious company.  She is the Author of A Moment In Silence (AMIS™), and has been featured and recognized by TEDx, Chosen as Editor’s Choice on Elephant Journal, Thrive Global and much more.

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