Brittany Mondido

Be The Reason Why Someone Believes Again



FOUNDER and VISIONARY BEHIND THE ARM COLLECTIVE™, a collection of now THREE CONSCIOUS companies, supporting humanity through heart consciousness and healing with a unique, integrative approach. 

BRITTANY is a NY-BASED, multidimensional teacher LEADING humanity deeper into their journey through SPIRITUALITY, ENERGETICS, SOMATIC TRAUMA HEALING,  and EMBODIED HEART-LED LEADERSHIP.

BRITTANY is the CREATOR of THE ARMS METHOD™ recently featured on TEDx, and the AUTHOR of A Moment In Silence: The Space Between That Changes Your Life.

A PIONEER OF CHANGE leading the way towards the new paradigm and creating a safe haven for humanity to do so. HER UNWAVERING TRUTH invites you into your own as she helps CONNECT you back to your heart.

“I care about your heart. I care about you living your deepest, most fullest expression in this lifetime – whatever that may look like to you; I care about the unraveling of your heart, and any suffering that keeps you from it. I am here to remind you of who you really are and what you are here to do and be in this lifetime. I’m here to hold a sacred space for you: to offer you clear mirroring, an open heart, to be The nurturing Mother and hold you like a Father.



I was primarily raised by my dad following my parents divorce at the age of 8. I began working at age 13– and have been working ever since. I went from the “hustle-hard” way of doing to the “heart-led” way of being. It always felt like a disconnect to “force” myself into places or situations that didn’t feel aligned; and I am grateful to now know another way.

At the age of 16, my best friend was killed in front of me and this led me to shutting down and closing myself off from the world which then led me on a journey filled with addictions such as eating addictions, behavioral addictions, relationships and sex, codependency, work addictions, and one no one talks about yet we can all relate to is — addiction to suffering.

I was in Healthcare for over 10-years and quit my job and the life I was life I was “living” when I met my former partner, It wasn’t until I believed I had it all that made me question what that actually was. I had “the house, the job, the partner, the life”, yet felt the most empty inside: A Moment In Silence told me otherwise and I left it all — took a chance — and started over. In deep debt, anger, guilt, fear and shame — glimpses of faith lingered.

This is where my healing journey began that led me to channeling my visions into form. This led me to my book “A Moment In Silence: The Space Between That Changes Your Life”, Founding The Collective ARM™ which holds three conscious companies, being featured on the TEDx stage with over 30+ million, chosen as Editors Choice on Elephant Journeal, Featured on RealLeaders magazine, and much more… all within three years. So the message is this: life is here for you to reclaim; all it takes is one honest moment.

along the way

along the way

Before the Pandemic, I had a vision of bringing people together creating a space where we can come together from a healed place; not from our wounded all while honoring our wounds. I now know this as conscious relationships. The plan was to go to Bali for a few months so I began networking with people there until the pandemic hit and had other plans for me. This led me to Tulum, Mexico where I had two- conscious events and had a little glimpse of what birthed into An ARM’s Reach Global™: a conscious education and healing platform supporting humanity in their healing, evolution and spiritual path.

Following this trip, I had more questions than ever and learned shortly after my 30th- birthday that I come from a lineage of indigenous healers in the Philippines – on both sides. This was the first time I felt many of the answers I had throughout my life had been revealed to me.

From 2019 on, I wanted to know: what, I wasn’t sure. I just knew where I was at – wasn’t it for me. This led me to studying, training and becoming certified in many different healing modalities, and ultimately guiding me into my spiritual journey; to unraveling and integrating my own trauma – to now holding this space for others.

In this moment of time and space, I have trained with The Masters of The Shaolin Temple, I am a dedicated Student and Teacher of A Course In Miracles™, Certified Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner training, Eastern Medicine (TCM), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Intergenerational and Ancestral Trauma, Psychotherapy, Somatic Psychology, Energetic, Sexual Polarity, Astrology, Ayurveda, studying Shamanism, Buddhism… Muay Thai, Yoga, Breathwork and  more…

along the way

a moment in silence

Suffering in Silence to Loving Out Loud



Where “the shift’s” happen

A sacred space to discover new parts of yourself waiting to be cracked open.

There’s more; you feel it deep within you. There’s a constant back-and-forth, saying YES while the other is limiting.

In this space, you will find guidance, abundance, grace, and most importantly, the shift to FREEDOM, where you BEcome everything and more than you’ve ever dreamed of.

This 6-week experience is all about shifting from fear to faith, pain to purpose, hustle to heart – where light meets dark.

All of your desires are available to you. Ready to be held accountable, let your light shine, and create the life you’ve been dreaming of?

All it takes is one decision to commit to yourself.



Re-defining what it means to be a business owner

Maybe you’re somewhat like our clients and I where our definition of “hard work” meant the unhealthy hustle and a “disconnect” to your heart.

Hustle Meets Heart™ is an all-in-one experience – guiding you to finally step into your light, own your greatness, and define what it means to be a Leader of Light in the world.

This is deep work as it’s where hustle meets heart; there is no ‘skipping’ levels to success; however, you can set yourself up for success and freedom, and finally get to a place where you and your business are thriving – as you start to embody and show up as the Leader of Light that you are.

Say goodbye to the days filled with the fear of failure, fear of success, visibility, and being in your own way. No longer playing it small, here. The world needs your gift.

YOU are not here to play it small; and this experience is where you’ll learn the truth about why you’re not making the impact and income you want {and deserve} to make.

Hustle Meets Heart™ is where your impact goals meet your income desires. And maybe you’re like me and income wasn’t a top priority? Guess what? You can have both and it should be you, lightworker.

In this 8-week experience, you will learn to build a business of impact – around a life you love {not the other way around}, all while learning to tap into your heart and share your light to heal the world.


    OUR PEOPLE. purpose. planet.

    Working with Brittany was the best decision I made for myself. I was nervous to invest in a coach at first because its the middle of a pandemic, but working with Brittany changed how I wake up every day. She helps you look at life so differently and with feeling lighter. I feel more free and at peace with myself. I invested in business coaching but brittany's style of coaching is really from the inside out. She means what she says and challenges you each step. She believed in me more than I believed in myself. Can't believe how much she has helped me change my life. I want to keep her with me forever.

    Victoria N.

    Brittany is truly an earth angel. She helped me completely change my life which helped me completely commit to starting my business. I never thought I would be able to be successful on my own. She helped me through a really hard time in my life and going through life as a single mom isn't the easiest.. She helped me start a business and find freedom in all areas of my life. I cant thank you enough.

    Natalie R.

    I've never met anyone like Brittany before. Humble, happy , and present. Funny, we met on a plane and she was the kindest person. We exchanged information and I googled her thinking she should be a life coach and there she is, offering her shining star self. I booked a call with her right away knowing instantly I wanted to work with her. Shes a life changer for sure. I dont have anxiety anymore and I am finally able to work on my business and enjoy it without burning myself out. Thank you for being a kind stranger, Brittany. It helps so much. and inspires me to be the same

    Jennifer B.


    Billion lbs of Plastic Clean Up
    Million Trees Planted
    Million People With Clean Water
    of Stories & Lives Changed

    1:1 couples

    conscious relationship, sacred union, sexual polarity 

    Each of us have our own unique way to creatively express ourselves through our work.

    I’ve enjoyed writing books, creating journals, helping hundreds of people with their copy, getting booked for speaking engagements – all while learning how to speak on stage and make coaching a full-time ‘job’.  

    It’s time for you to do the same and make the difference you were born to make by sharing your voice, with your own creative expression: writing, speaking, or coaching. This course has it all with three high-level guest experts.!

      Meet Brittany

      Our Founder, Brittany Mondido, noticed a gap in the market as it was something she was seeking throughout her healing and entrepreneurship journey. This is where An ARM’s Reach was birthed.

      Brittany has spent the first two decades of work as “Dora The Explorer” as she explored different industries with a variety of roles. Brittany knew she always wanted to “help people” – not knowing what this meant or looked like, and this led her to the Healthcare industry for about a decade.

       From a white coat to a business suit, Brittany carried leadership roles throughout her career until one day she decided to let go of other people’s dreams and say YES to her own.


      Your desires. Your dreams. Your freedom. Your heart. It makes a difference.

      When you invest in yourself through our work, you are creating a powerful impact around the world and in the lives of those in need. As part of An ARM’s Reach mission, we are built with an Impact Model to give back to those in need where a percentage of our revenue helps provide fundamental human needs

      With any service or product offered by us, you indirectly become a changemaker and light in the world by helping us give back to our non-profit business partners.

      The Core of Brittany's Teachings

      An open heart.

      The core of her teaching is heart consciousness, reminding us of the boundless power of love and the potential it holds to unlock the infinite possibilities for our lives and the world. Brittany’s visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to global healing are both inspiring and transformative, making her a true force for positive change. Brittany and the team at An ARM’s Reach Global™ are shining examples of heart-centered leadership, and her work is paving a path for a more heart-centered world, where love and compassion are the driving forces behind human evolution.


      I pray that you welcome all parts of
      yourself. They’re all beautiful.

      I pray that you open your heart.
      It is safe.

      I pray for your healing. There is so much joy
      in learning about yourself.

      I pray that you remember your heart. 

      I pray that you remember: there are no limits.
      You are already free.

      I pray you feel the love in my heart as a bridge to your own. There is enough love in our hearts for everyone and everything. No one gets left out.

      I pray that you remember who you are and
      why you came to Earth in the first place.
      There is a reason and you do matter.

      AS SEEN IN



      "In order to open your heart, you need to be able to feel it all. That's the point. This doesn't mean taking on other people's emotions; it simply means the more you open your heart, the more you invite others into their own." - Brittany Mondido

      “Brittany is a heart master and she is restlessly sharing amazing tools that help us ascend and establish ourselves in the heart vibration.”

      Pilar Turrido

      “Brittany is the definition of a divine intervention in my life - an angel that connected me with my heart, and showed me how to live from a place of love and approach the healing journey with grace… in turn, making my life magical than it’s ever been. I owe so much of my success internally and externally to Brittany’s energy and her heart-centered consciousness, that sparks miracles in every soul’s life she touches, either through her words or her mere presence. She is the ultimate light-worker.”

      Raahul Raja

      “Brittany is the definition of a pure light in this world. From her mind, to her words to her action she radiates kindness & heart-driven care. Her journey and mission goes deep into changing lives, the environment, & the future of our society to build a world of light workers.”

      Veronika Popyk


      With any service or product offered by us, you indirectly become a changemaker and light in the world by helping us give back to our non-profit business partners.

      An ARM’s Reach Global™ has been built with an IMPACT plan. To learn more, visit our IMPACT page.